
TVR Software Online Training

Online Training

for all your needs.

Training for individuals, groups or for entire teams

TVR Software’s Certified training program, built to be efficient while meeting the necessary goals of your VR Program. The Online Private Portals for Training, On-location Instructor-led Training at your location, and Year-Round Courses at our Albuquerque, NM office, will improve the efficiency of your team. TVR Training guarantees your training environment will be fun and productive. Below are a few different types of training we provide.

Have your data ready for your Annual Report and Grant renewal.

Online Training for you

This class reviews the TVR client management system. Focusing on new features and the client workflows. Students will be introduced to the principal areas needed to support an accurate annual performance report. This class is 2 days in length and participants will need to join our zoom meeting.

One on One or VR Training

Work one on one with our TVR Software Trainer 

Great for new Directors and Pro Admin or just someone that wants special attention. These classes are scheduled with you at a time that works for your schedule.  Examples of support: New User, RSA Review, VR Review, Reports, Plus any other TVR Training needed.

Please contact us at TVR@TVRSOFTWARE.COM to set up a time and get a quote for your request. This can be a single hour or up to three days.


  • 8:30 am- Instructor Arrives
  • 9:00 am- Instruction Begins
  • 12:00 pm- Lunch
  • 1:00 pm- Instruction Begins
  • 4:00 pm- Instruction Ends for the day
  • 4:30 pm- Instructor Leaves

Training for your site online or onsite

Onsite or Online training is great if you want your team to work on your data and fix issues right then and there. Workflows will be examed and any bottlenecks slowing the progress can be solved. It is a wonderful way to build your VR team and create workflows with the office. Run Reports and use them to evaluate progress and create a task list for team members.

Great for mixed knowledge levels of the TVR software. If you are looking to get everyone on the same page and work as a team this training is for you.

  • One on one with the TVR Trainer.
  • Overview from new user to Advanced Reporting.
  • VR Performance Reports and Actions
  • Learn the areas that need improvement and the actions to do so.

Training Resouces

TVR Software Mini Survival Guide

Mini-Survival Guide

TVR Customer Portal

Customer Portal

Trainings TVR Software 2019

Our dedicated team is excited to support VR programs. Our TVR Software, Certified training, Outreach Marketing program along with IT Management. We have you covered.